Recharging is essential. When we feel overwhelmed, we lack energy and focus to make clear decisions and remain productive.
When we speak about self-care, we talk about the conscious and deliberate choice to do something that looks after you and your wellbeing, and almost anything can be considered self-care, from flossing regularly to taking time out to think to getting a new haircut.
The most important thing to remember is that self-care doesn't look the same for everyone. Here are 7 of WOTC’s suggestions on improving your self-care.
1. Boost, vim and vigour
Yes, we know, you’ll sleep when you’re dead, but it’s OK, to sleep now too. Don’t feel guilty about this. 4-5 hours every night is enough to keep you going throughout the day.
Pay attention to your diet and how active you are. Nourishing food and regular exercise are key self-care boosters.
2. Pamper your health
A dental checkup, well-woman examination and prompt attention to medical conditions reap big rewards for you.
3. Time out for fun
Watch a favourite movie or TV show, spend time with friends or go on a spontaneous staycation. When you laugh heartily, it triggers endorphins, which creates a sense of ease.
4. Expand your mind
Learn something new, read a book or take up a new hobby. You’re never too old to learn and constantly keeping your mind engaged, keeps your mind sharp.
5. Don’t expect to be a superwoman
Say no to perfectionism. Know when to say "no" to extra jobs and delegate responsibilities.
6. Get organised
Set priorities and attack cluttered schedules and spaces. How tidy or untidy your space is usually a clear indication of your state of mind.
7. Reserve time for simple pleasures
From getting a manicure to getting a new hair cut or style, simple pleasures are a great help to your mental health and can be a major mood booster.