Fashion Week

The Backstage Buzz at The W Fashion Week 2024 Runway Show

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The Backstage Buzz at The W Fashion Week 2024 Runway Show

A collective commotion of creativity backstage as stylists, makeup artists and models prep to walk the runway at the W fashion show.

For many, along with myself, it’s our first time to be amidst the London Fashion Week (LFW) creative magic, not as spectators but in the thick of it all. Making this occasion even more special is the fact LFW is celebrating their 40th annual year.

Nerves, excitement and all the jittery feelings in between is what helps make the energy so special. Excited and eager to showcase our creative work, it’s hard to know what to take in first during fashion week. For me, it was the opportunity to dive straight into it talking to models, stylists, and makeup artists backstage as everyone is gearing up for the runway. 

Initially tentative and slightly intimidated to step in the way of such focus and preparation but after one quick interview I was able to get the ball rolling eager to hear more about how the various creatives keep calm amidst the backstage storm.

Speaking to one of the models she described feeling “calm but also nervous” revealing how “everyone’s energy’s up and the good vibes” all around were helping to settle the first show nerves. 

Next, I got to interview a pair of hair and makeup artists and listened as they described how the pre-show prep can be. “I think before coming here you’re a bit overwhelmed…but, when you get here the teachers are very helpful and they’re very hands on in work and they are supporting you. So, it’s really fun and everyone is having a good time and it’s really exciting trying new styles.” This was a pattern emerging and one I could relate to. Everyone was finding their stress reducing speaking to others, collaborating with each other, and realizing everyone was here to have fun, be present and make the most of the opportunity. 

Nevertheless, as someone who can at times get overwhelmed with nerves, I was keen to know if nerves and stress ever get to the models and stylists and if so, how to cope with them. One of the makeup artist’s aura had calm written all over it, so she was the first person I asked, “I think I just keep to myself and talk to my friends, hype each other up and try not to stress too much about it.” Another make-up artist described how “don’t think about timing, don’t listen to the ten-minute warning, just do what you need to do.” Keeping your head down and zoned in on the work to be done ultimately pushes those nervous thoughts out the way. Another artist chimed in describing how “all the models are really understanding” which also helps keep the process smooth and fun. 

I was gaining a sense that comradery and dedication to the craft helped many remain in the creative zone. The concentration was evident and being able to witness the laser focus was nothing short of magical as I started asking about any specific creative skills the artists were keen to display. However, the first stylist I spoke to described her current process as “seeing where the creativity takes us”. During the conversation I was able to gain further insight into some of the styles to be expected on the runway. Apparently, many “slick back styles” were being created thus, stylists were focusing on how they can place their own spin on them. The stylists I was speaking with outlined how their model was going to be sporting a “very clean and sharp” look as a result their focus was on highlighting it whilst adding some “dramatic edges to give it a little something other than a basic slick back.” All the information was just adding to the building excitement for the runway shows.  

Next, I got to talk with a seasoned stylist who was mid prep for her second London Fashion Week. She described the energy backstage as “quite intense at first but then you focus on what you’re creating being shown and then you feel good about yourself.” It was comforting to hear, regardless of experience, feeling an initial overwhelm was normal to begin with but it’s quickly subdued as you get wrapped up in the backstage buzz.

It was also special to witness and be present in the room of individuals seeing their dreams unfold. One of the stylists articulated how “it’s really nice being backstage because I’ve always dreamt about being here and I love being a hair and makeup artist and collaborating.”

I shared in her pinch me moment as the realization also hit, this time last year I was reporting on the various fashion week rundowns, remotely, but this time I get to be here to witness it all firsthand. 

With that, the first set of LFW interviews, article, and show… all completed. Here’s to many more!