1. To-Do list

Ensure you write your summer holiday to-do list and keep it somewhere where you can see it. The holidays can sometimes fly by so quickly, and you can quickly lose track of the important things you planned to get done.
2. Health Checks

Summer is the perfect time to give your children health checks, this may include dental check ups (children under 16 are entitled to free NHS eye examinations.) , allergen check ups and eye examinations (which is free for under 16 year olds).
3. Try Something New!

You have six weeks to try something new.
You can:
- Try a new skill.
- Try a new sport.
- Travel to a new town, city or country.
- Read a new book.
It is always good to give children new experiences so that they can be exposed to great opportunities and experiences that are out there.
4. Back to School Shopping

Enjoy the fun activities but do not forget the back to school shopping! Buying their necessary bits throughout the holidays will limit the stress and the hustle and bustle of getting everything that is needed such as the school uniform, stationary, books, clothes, etc.

Take the time to rest. Set some days aside for your child/children to stay at home to rest. The holidays may be a great time to do many activities and to travel, but days at home doing very little is also important. They should take some time to turn off their phones, avoid emails, stay off social media and instead rejuvenate, read, sleep or write down some goals. It will also allow them to take the necessary time out to think and reflect whilst there is no school!